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Digital Ideation Workshop

Ideate. Innovate. Grow. 

We offer you an opportunity to experience Innovation Bazar’s digital ideation capabilities, aiming to find creative solutions to your business challenges and providing you with feedback in a more innovative way.

For this experience we use Zoom or Skype. 


Via video, we will walk you through a brief exercise carefully constructed to give you an experience of how Innovation Bazar uses creative techniques to solve problems. The digital experience is ideal for global leaders, startups and organizations seeking to learn about design thinking and innovation at a glimpse.


Our goal is to gather your feedback about this digital interaction so we can better understand how to bring our innovation capabilities to you. The entire experience, from “Hello!” to “Goodbye,” is designed to take no more than 45 minutes of your time.

You will have access to a global community of  industry professionals with many years of experience through our private online community.



A few days after the digital ideation workshop, you will receive a file documenting the ideas generated in our discussion.



We ask that you come to the digital ideation session with a business problem and an objective so we can work on something truly meaningful for your business. 

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